Autistic spectrum condition
Autism is a spectrum condition and affects people in different ways. Like all people, autistic people have their own strengths and weaknesses. These difficulties may include: Social communication Social interaction, Repetitive and restrictive behaviour, Over- or under-sensitivity to light, sound, taste or touch, Highly focused interests or hobbies, Extreme anxiety, Meltdowns and shutdowns. Dovecote School is here to help prepare young people to make a successful transition into adulthood with the confidence and the necessary skills to live as independently as possible and participate in their local community.
Social, emotional and mental health
Social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) needs are a type of special educational needs in which children/young people have severe difficulties in managing their emotions and behaviour. They often show inappropriate responses and feelings to situations. This means that they have trouble in building and maintaining relationships with peers and adults; they can also struggle to engage with learning and to cope in the classroom without additional strategies and interventions. Children with SEMH will often feel anxious, scared, and misunderstood.
Typical characteristics of children with SEMH can include antisocial and uncooperative behaviour, frustration, anger, verbal and physical threats, withdrawn and depressed attitudes, anxiety and self-harm and can often not want to attend school.
Attachment and trauma informed practice
underpin all our interactions with students and all staff are trained in Thrive techniques that, together with guided therapeutic interventions, help students understand the context and meaning of behaviour, build better coping strategies and positive emotional control. This is a strengths-based framework grounded in an understanding of the impact of trauma and emphasises physical, psychological and emotional safety for everyone.
High staff to student ratio
means that our programme is bespoke to the unique needs of each student. Highly trained staff deliver group teaching, one to one support, and outreach into the community ensuring that we have an adaptability that makes us specialists in our field.