Empowered learning

Dovecote School provide a team of education and therapy specialists who have the skills and knowledge to support students with a range of SEN needs.


What makes us unique?

The therapeutic curriculum is supported by enrichment opportunities, including off-site trips, access to horticulture, farm, forest school, outdoor education, cross-curricular visits and theme days. We make use of our school, local and regional environments to promote inquiring interest into the world around them whilst using these opportunities to develop key life-skills.


Before I joined Dovecote school, I was out of school for 3 years as I found mainstream school difficult. Since joining Dovecote, I attend full time and have made major progress in my confidence as I used to not feel I could talk to anyone but my close family because I was so anxious, whereas now I feel able to talk to people I have never met before. The small class sizes have helped me tons because it gives you time to actually get to know your teachers, almost as if they’re your friends. Outdoor Education has been very important to me and is offered to every class; it has also helped me massively with my confidence because I completely go for it and forget about any worries I have!

Robin Student

Dovecote school is the best school ever. It is my favourite place to come every day. The farm is one of the best places I love all the animals including; the chickens, rabbits, pig, and the goats. There is a lovely lady that works and looks after the farm.
In the class, there are kind and caring teachers that help with everything . I like the swings and the games like swing ball, Jenga, the foam bricks and other outdoor play equipment. Everybody can decorate their desk, I love being able to do this and the desk is very spacious. It is a very special place.


Stoat Student

“At Dovecote the people are nice and we do fun things like Maths, Music, visiting the farm and seeing the dogs.”

“Buzzards is great fun because we go outside on the swing. I enjoy Art, Music and Forest School. I like being in the Art room because I love drawing.”

“I love the whole of Dovecote!”

“I like Buzzard class because it’s the quietest class. We have been to fun places like Air Hop and Puxton Park!”

Students in Buzzard Class

I liked it the most than any other school I have seen because,
1. I loved the animals there.
2. I loved the Gym and was happy I would be old enough to go in it.
3. I loved the canteen and the thought of helping.
4. Meeting George Ezras drummer was amazing.
5. I liked how you grow your own veg and use it to make food.
6. I liked the amount of children in a class and the space.
7. The staff were fun and happy.
8. I like the idea of a Forest School being built.
9. I liked the idea I could go kayaking and swimming.
10. I liked the sensory room and think it would be a nice place to read in, in a darkened room.
11. I liked how there was a good mix of male and female staff.

Student yr 6

She absolutely loves it and is like a different child going to and from school every day. She is less anxious and every day she looks forward to going to school – something that was unheard of before! The staff have been amazing, so friendly, caring and professional. It’s had a positive impact upon our whole family.


My husband and I are both over the moon!….It is absolutely brilliant, and we have both said how proud we are of x and how x should be really proud of all x has achieved so far.

Parent Yr 2

I just wanted to write a quick email to say thank you all so so much for everything you are doing for and with x

x is a different child, loves coming to school, is up and ready before everyone else which is massive (we had huge school refusal last term)
x talks about all of the adults and students and happily tells us what he has done and what he is doing!

It’s honestly amazing the change in him and we cannot thank you enough!
Just goes to show if you get the right people at the right setting where your children can be themselves their whole lives can change!
We are beyond grateful you are doing an amazing job

Yr 9 parent

Since being at Dovecote, I get more work done because I can have more movement breaks and the teachers help if you don’t understand what you’re doing. I enjoy playing football regularly with the staff and students. Teachers aren’t like teachers they are more like friends or family. Dovecote is like a 5 star all inclusive holiday!

Robin Student

We are so incredibly proud of her and how she’s embraced all that school has to offer. She loves Dovecote and has built some fabulous relationships with you guys and her peers. It’s so nice to see her happy when she comes home – she even tells me about her day!!


Despite it being an incredibly tiring week, being out of school for 2.5 years and having no real regular routine, x has thoroughly enjoyed his first week and has come home every night (bar one midweek self esteem low) buzzing and freely offering information about his day. This is absolutely unheard of as usually, when I subtly ask about his day, I am greeted with I don’t know what I did or I can’t remember, he is rolling information out, even asking me ‘what else do you want to know’?!!

x thinks all the staff are just amazing, funny and interesting and his classmates are, from what I can gather, perfectly matched, in terms of personality, needs and wanting the same outcomes as one another. I feel firm friendships are growing.

I hear, on occasion he has managed to challenge himself and try a couple of new things – again, a first, as usually his self doubt kicks in and the anxiety emerges.

It seems, listening to many of the other families across the school in our little online group, that there are so many happy faces returning home on an evening and the feelings of ‘our children have found their place’ is I think, overwhelming.

Thank you to all of you who are making this happen. Dovecote is such a special place – long may it continue!

Yr 10 parent

A girl who felt excited about going to school and who came home happy – this is not just a nice day for her – it would be impossible to over-state how important this is to this little girl – life changing (for her and her family) – life saving…

And this will be the same for every one of your students

you have a very nice new school – building equipment facilities – but it is the personality empathy and skill of your staff makes this possible

Yr 7 parent

News and Updates!

Church Farm opened to our Upper School students on Monday 9th September 2024. This will be our new learning hub for our upper school classes to promote independence and enhance their life skills. Keep an eye out on our Facebook Page for photos of this!

‘The Giggling Goat’ is our new enterprise coffee house that will be opening in December 2024. The cafe will be open to local visitors and run by our students; this is a very exciting venture that we cannot wait to share with you all.

Discuss a referral

For details of open mornings, to arrange a visit, or discuss our admission process, please contact:

Daisy John - Referral, Assessment and Transition Coordinator


01458 333127